The perks of being a bride.

There are so many perks of being a bride. Aside from the obvious, of course. Assuming it will only happen once, it is surely important to embrace it.

  1. You can buy as many bridal magazines as you want

Buy yet another magazine and don’t feel guilty about it, it is an essential part of being engaged. Ideally, gather your friends and flick through the pages while clasping a large glass of wine.

  1. You can create as many wedding-related Pinterest boards as you like

Pinterest is now a necessity. Tackle it like a pro by creating a board for every part of your wedding.

  1. Attending bridal events

I will continue to attend bridal events until they will no longer let me in. I have enjoyed countless canapés, many glasses of wine and plenty of goody bags while being allowed to enter some pretty fancy hotels. Most of them are free, and you can find out about them by picking up a Brides magazine – see point 1.

Brides Blackburn Bridal event at the Corinthia Hotel

  1. You will be congratulated a lot, even by strangers

Getting married is universally exciting. Expect congratulations not only from your loved ones, but also from strangers.

  1. Your diamond-scouting senses will reveal themselves

Have you ever noticed how many people are wearing engagement rings in your everyday surroundings? Well, you will now.

Brides Charlie Brear showroom event

6.  All bride and wedding-related emojis will move straight into the frequently used section on your phone.

Express excitement over texts and whatsapps the only way you know how 👰💍🍾

7.  Your new piece of jewellery will ward off any unwanted suitors.

The days of being hit on and having to explain you’re already with someone are over.

Two Birds Girls Night Out event at Cafe Royal London

8.  Weddings can bring you closer to your friends and family.

Wedding planning is the perfect excuse for a get together. Sharing details with your loved ones and building something which you will all be a part of is what makes it special.
Don’t fret, I’m not forgetting what comes afterwards. This great post from Inspired Bride pretty much sums up what’s great about being married.

All photographs are my own unless otherwise stated.

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